Kalua means Green

Green to me is in three folds: The First Green is to treat peo­ple kind­ly through uphold­ing ethics and train­ing on life skills. The Sec­ond Green is to pro­mote good health, peace with­in com­mu­ni­ties and to cre­ate sus­tain­able liveli­hoods. The Third Green is the actu­al envi­ron­men­tal conservation.

Dr. Isaac Kalua Green is an Envi­ron­men­tal­ist and Entre­pre­neur.  A pas­sion­ate Rur­al Devel­op­ment Prac­ti­tion­er and ardent entre­pre­neur in vast areas for over 30 years.

My Philosophy

Sustainable Livelihoods
Passionate Environmental Conservation

Isaac Kalua Green


Dr. Isaac Kalua Green is an Envi­ron­men­tal­ist and Entre­pre­neur.  A pas­sion­ate Rur­al Devel­op­ment Prac­ti­tion­er and ardent entre­pre­neur in vast areas for over 30 years.

He is the Chief Stew­ard of Green Africa Foun­da­tion, an orga­ni­za­tion that was found­ed in the year 2000 that cham­pi­ons Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment in Africa. He is a cher­ished Thought Leader, a Strate­gist on mat­ters of Nat­ur­al Cap­i­tal, and a Colum­nist on Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals.

Strategic Leadership/Advisory Roles and Green Africa Group Portfolio

Recent Events

Meet my Father, my Friend, my Mentor

It is no doubt that Bish­op Kalua touched many lives and left a last­ing impact for many gen­er­a­tions to learn from and emu­late. Bish­op Kalua was a calm yet vibrant per­son­al­i­ty who ded­i­cat­ed his whole life to the ser­vice of human­i­ty. Just as he had tak­en care of plants and flow­ers for decades, Bish­op Kalua ded­i­cat­ed his entire life to nur­tur­ing the souls and spir­its of his fam­i­ly, friends and con­gre­gants. Both by word and deed, he taught them to dare to believe in God; to seek His face and coun­sel at all time; to wor­ship Him with unend­ing passion.

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