
After The Elections Now Begins The Real Test of Leadership

Kenya’s youngest polit­i­cal par­ty pro­duced a president!

The Green Think­ing Action Par­ty (GTAP) which is rough­ly one year old, wise­ly select­ed and spon­sored 33 can­di­dates out of 489 inter­est­ed aspi­rants coun­try­wide dur­ing the just con­clud­ed Gen­er­al elec­tions. These can­di­dates col­lec­tive­ly attract­ed 47,364 green votes and voic­es of con­fi­dence to the par­ty ide­ol­o­gy We glo­ri­fy God for such a pro­found victory.

Dominic Mwamisi, the GTAP can­di­date for Mutha Ward, Kitui South Con­stituen­cy in Kitui Coun­ty emerged vic­to­ri­ous. He became one of the country’s new­ly elect­ed 1,450 Mem­bers of Coun­ty Assem­blies (MCA’s). In essence, MCAs are akin to Ward pres­i­dents. They are clos­er to peo­ple at the local grass­roots lev­els and hence best placed to tack­le local problems.

Although GTAP’s 32 oth­er can­di­dates did not attain major­i­ty votes to grant them vic­to­ry for the seats they pas­sion­ate­ly sought, the Kenyans who vot­ed for them won by deliv­er­ing a resound­ing clar­i­on call for green lead­er­ship and trans­for­ma­tion which will one day materialize.

The upcom­ing months will sep­a­rate the seri­ous, vision­ary polit­i­cal par­ties from those that were mere polit­i­cal vehi­cles for a few indi­vid­u­als. As Par­ty Leader of GTAP togeth­er with my team, we shall remain faith­ful not just to the cur­rent reg­is­tered 43,873 mem­bers of our par­ty but also to our trans­for­ma­tive ide­ol­o­gy. Our agen­da espous­es Eth­i­cal and Effec­tive Gov­er­nance, Sus­tain­able Wealth Cre­ation and Dig­ni­ty of the households.

Just like our MCA-elect who emerged vic­to­ri­ous against all odds, numer­ous oth­er Kenyans also won despite the daunt­ing hur­dles in the way. They include 24-year old Linet Chep­ko­rir aka Toto who won the Bomet Coun­ty Women Rep­re­sen­ta­tive seat. Bare­ly one year ago, she was a mitum­ba and chips ven­dor in Bomet town. When she com­menced her cam­paigns, she cam­paigned on a boda boda. A sim­i­lar inde­fati­ga­ble spir­it was expe­ri­enced in Naku­ru County’s Ele­men­tai­ta Ward where George Nene, a 22-year old fourth-year Egerton Uni­ver­si­ty stu­dent won the MCA seat. He often cam­paigned on a don­key and spent less than Shs20,000 on his campaigns.

These young Kenyan lead­ers are among a small group of vic­to­ri­ous lead­ers who per­suad­ed vot­ers through their sheer vision and pas­sion, not their mon­ey. They are a stark con­trast to hun­dreds of oth­er vic­to­ri­ous lead­ers whose vic­to­ry was part­ly pegged on the mil­lions that they spent. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, many of those who spent mil­lions will prob­a­bly seek to ‘recov­er’ their investment.

The pro­posed Cam­paign Financ­ing Act is very clear that can­di­dates should divulge the source of cam­paign funds. How­ev­er, this act has nev­er been enact­ed, hence breed­ing cor­rup­tion. All key polit­i­cal stake­hold­ers must weed out such funds from the polit­i­cal landscape.

Indeed, elect­ed lead­ers must make life bet­ter for their con­stituents. An inspi­ra­tional polit­i­cal vic­to­ry will be ren­dered mean­ing­less if it doesn’t result in bet­ter lives for con­stituents. In the case of Dominic Mwamisi, this bet­ter life means water acces­si­bil­i­ty. In Tuikombe vil­lage of Mutha ward res­i­dents must trav­el with their don­keys for twen­ty-three kilo­me­ters to fetch  for fresh water. In Kothoa vil­lage a twen­ty-liter jer­ri­can today costs KShs50. Cou­pled with these water chal­lenges is inse­cu­ri­ty. Just a few days ago, a teenage boy in hKataa vil­lage was shot dead by camel herders from north­ern Kenya. They often ven­ture in search of pas­ture as a result of effects of Cli­mate Change.

Kind­ly sup­port­ed by Kenya’s Pres­i­dent, Kitui Gov­er­nor, Sen­a­tor and var­i­ous stake­hold­ers, Dominic must pro­vide deci­sive lead­er­ship that will address these press­ing prob­lems. On its part GTAP will hold him account­able through the Party’s Green Score Card para­me­ters based on his elec­tion pledges to the community.

Indeed, all elect­ed lead­ers must real­ize that ulti­mate­ly, the Goliaths they must con­quer are the prob­lems of their con­stituents, not their polit­i­cal adver­saries. Think green, act green!


About Dr. Kalua Green

He is the Chief Stew­ard of Green Africa Group, a con­glom­er­ate that was envi­sioned in 1991 to con­nect, pro­duce and impact var­i­ous aspi­ra­tions of human­i­ty through Sus­tain­able Mobil­i­ty & Safe­ty Solu­tions, Eco­pre­neur­ship & Agribusi­ness, Ship­ping & Logis­tics, Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Ini­tia­tives, as well as Hos­pi­tal­i­ty & fur­nish­ings sectors

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