Transformative Thoughts & Published Articles by Dr. Kalua Green

Leadership, News

This is how to Achieve a 40 % Forest Cover One Tree at a Time

One of the high­lights of the just end­ed sev­enth Devo­lu­tion con­fer­ence was a tree-plant­i­ng ses­sion that saw eighty trees plant­ed by Coun­ty and Nation­al Lead­ers. This ses­sion was the cul­mi­na­tion of a two-mil­lion tree plant­i­ng mis­sion that had been launched in May by the Conference’s Steer­ing Com­mit­tee. The two-mil­lion trees tar­get has now been met. All these trees can be account­ed for. 

Leadership, News

Here is the Five-Point Formula of fixing Kenya, Once and for all

When God cre­at­ed this earth, He put in it enough to com­fort­ably sus­tain every human being. How­ev­er, we must be faith­ful stew­ards and take care of the earth so that it can also take care of us. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, in the last sev­er­al decades, humans have not tak­en good care of the earth.

Leadership, News

On Clean Energy, We Can Do Like the Romans Do

When God cre­at­ed this earth, He put in it enough to com­fort­ably sus­tain every human being. How­ev­er, we must be faith­ful stew­ards and take care of the earth so that it can also take care of us. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, in the last sev­er­al decades, humans have not tak­en good care of the earth.

Leadership, News

Without Responsibility, The Glasgow Climate Summit Will Be In Vain,

When God cre­at­ed this earth, He put in it enough to com­fort­ably sus­tain every human being. How­ev­er, we must be faith­ful stew­ards and take care of the earth so that it can also take care of us. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, in the last sev­er­al decades, humans have not tak­en good care of the earth.

Leadership, News

Let Us Use 2022 To Clean Up Our Politics Once for All

In Kenya, cor­rup­tion is no longer the ele­phant in the room. It is the beast that lives in every cor­ner of the nation. Cor­rup­tion has become so vicious that when­ev­er one is charged with the crime, the same indi­vid­ual con­verts into an elect­ed politi­cian and soon the vil­lain becomes a hero. 

Leadership, News

Why Our Post-Covid Recovery Plan Must Focus on The Consumer

Two days ago, I was priv­i­leged to attend a leader’s cau­cus at the Kenya Asso­ci­a­tion of Man­u­fac­tur­ers where Kan­tar a lead­ing data, insights and con­sult­ing com­pa­ny high­light­ed on con­sumer trends and mar­ket evo­lu­tion. It was thought-pro­vok­ing to learn that Kenyans are more con­cerned than South Africans and Nige­ri­ans about health­care, edu­ca­tion and water.

Leadership, News

Here Is A Five Point Formula To Better Health in Kenya

My open let­ter to the Health Cab­i­net Sec­re­tary last week left me with a bet­ter appre­ci­a­tion of the chal­lenges that his min­istry faces as it seeks to entrench qual­i­ty world-class health­care into this coun­try. As such, I choose to sug­gest five view­points that may ener­gize our march towards bet­ter health in Kenya.


An Open Letter to CS Mutahi Kagwe

Dear Bwana Waziri, I was quite heart­ened last week to learn that Kenya is plan­ning to build a vac­ci­na­tion plant by 2024. Indeed, Africa should not be in per­pet­u­al depen­dence on for­eign coun­tries to sup­ply it with life-sav­ing vac­cines. I also applaud the fact that your team remains focused on vac­ci­nat­ing 26 mil­lion Kenyans by the end of 2022. You deserve our sup­port because this vac­ci­na­tion is a fire­wall against COVID-19 and will has­ten our eco­nom­ic and social restoration.

Automotive Industry, News

Why We Must Not Reinvent The Wheel to Create Jobs in Automotive Sector

I just returned from Munich Ger­many after attend­ing the Inter­na­tion­al Motor Show (IAA). I was part of a del­e­ga­tion from the Kenya Asso­ci­a­tion of Man­u­fac­tur­ers (KAM) and the Ger­man Agency for Inter­na­tion­al Coop­er­a­tion (GIZ). Also in atten­dance at the annu­al Fair was the Ger­man Chan­cel­lor Angela Merkel.

Automotive Industry, News

How “Made in Kenya” Vehicles Will Boost Our Economy

South Africa’s auto­mo­tive sec­tor has cre­at­ed about 1.5 mil­lion direct jobs and an esti­mat­ed 5 mil­lion indi­rect jobs. Mean­while, the same sec­tor in Kenya has cre­at­ed a pal­try 100,000 direct jobs accord­ing to the sec­tor reports. Since the 1990s when Kenya allowed the impor­ta­tion of eight years old vehi­cles, Kenyans have pur­chased approx­i­mate­ly 760,700 Between 2012 and 2020. These vehi­cles were esti­mat­ed to be worth Shs570.3 bil­lion. If the bulk of those vehi­cles had been assem­bled in Kenya, then these bil­lions would have been inject­ed into the local econ­o­my and cre­at­ed mil­lions of jobs. 

Economy, News

Why Kenya’s Political Rhetoric is Causing More Harm Than Good

Fero­cious polit­i­cal noise rips apart soci­eties and dri­ves away investors. This is what is hap­pen­ing in Kenya today. With elec­tions eleven months away, var­i­ous polit­i­cal lead­ers are hurl­ing insults and accu­sa­tions at each oth­er caus­ing pol­i­tics to over­shad­ow all else. What they don’t seem to real­ize is that their ardent sup­port­ers habit­u­al­ly fol­low suit and ulti­mate­ly split the Nation there­by upset­ting ser­vice deliv­ery in the Pub­lic and Pri­vate sec­tors. This is the exact oppo­site of the civ­i­lized pol­i­tics that the 2010 con­sti­tu­tion envisages.

Economy, News

How We Can Fire the Economic Engine Through Women

Recent­ly, I was hon­ored to pay a cour­tesy call to His Excel­len­cy Luke Williams, the Aus­tralian High Com­mis­sion­er to Kenya. We dis­cussed mat­ters of mutu­al inter­est includ­ing Green Growth and the vast oppor­tu­ni­ties that both coun­tries present to their peo­ple. Because wom­en’s eco­nom­ic empow­er­ment is a crit­i­cal part of the Green econ­o­my, I was elec­tri­fied to learn about Aus­trali­a’s pas­sion and record for advanc­ing wom­en’s eco­nom­ic empowerment.

Economy, News

Why We Must Walk or Cycle into Better Health

We are liv­ing in dif­fi­cult eco­nom­ic times. In 2020, glob­al For­eign Direct Invest­ment (FDI) flows fell sharply by 35 per­cent. This was akin to los­ing just over one third of the water in your tank. If you were using that water for irri­ga­tion, at least a third of your crops would poten­tial­ly with­er and die. Decreased invest­ment and the accom­pa­ny­ing depressed econ­o­my have result­ed in a death of jobs across the country.