Transformative Thoughts & Published Articles by Dr. Kalua Green


Here are President Magufuli’s Leadership Lessons for Kenya

Dur­ing Pres­i­dent Magu­fuli’s first 100 days in office back in 2015, the hash­tag #What­Would­Magu­fuli­Do swept across Twit­ter and oth­er social media plat­forms. As we mourn his untime­ly pass­ing, we must revis­it this hash­tag and ask that ques­tion again, in rela­tion to the state of our Kenyan nation.

Economy, News

Why Kenya Must Stop Blowing Hot and Cold on Cooking Gas

This morn­ing I chose to make break­fast for my wife Susan and the fam­i­ly. So I sim­ply switched on the cook­er then pro­ceed­ed to cook. In less than twen­ty min­utes, break­fast was ready. The cook­ing was fast, clean, effi­cient and healthy because I used Liqui­fied Petro­le­um Gas (LPG).

National Cohesion

Let’s Fight Tribalism, Racism and Nepotism to Create More Jobs

Trib­al­ism, racism and nepo­tism are not just moral­ly bank­rupt world­views, they can also bank­rupt an econ­o­my. The less trib­al­ism thrives in Kenya, the more our econ­o­my will flour­ish. The more your last name stops con­tribut­ing to the oppor­tu­ni­ties that come your way, the more empow­ered you will be to con­tribute more pro­duc­tive­ly to the economy.