Transformative Thoughts & Published Articles by Dr. Kalua Green

Leadership, News

The Key To Kenya’s Water Stress is in The Hands of Every Household

Pic­ture two women each car­ry­ing twen­ty-liter con­tain­ers of water on their heads. One in Nairo­bi and anoth­er one in Kitui Coun­ty. For both, access­ing water is a strug­gle. The one in Kitui has to walk for almost five kilo­me­ters to access water from a sea­son­al riv­er while the one in Nairo­bi has to queue for as long as an hour to access water. Sep­a­rate­ly, res­i­dents of Wasi­ni Island in South Coast, have to cross the ocean in small boats to fetch clean water. It is dev­as­tat­ing, isn’t it?

Leadership, News

Here Is How We Can Make Every Kenyan A Wealth Creator

I would like to con­grat­u­late our Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment for the excel­lent show of pas­sion that they waged as they exchanged angry words, blows and water bot­tles in the Nation­al Assem­bly dur­ing the recent debate on the Polit­i­cal Par­ties (Amend­ment) Bill. The nor­mal prac­tice after such an episode is to con­demn with the strongest terms because the par­lia­ment is an august house, the most hon­or­able space. As such, I wish to clar­i­fy that I am acclaim­ing their show of pas­sion and not the fight or rea­son for their fight. Now that we real­ize that we do not need to use a ‘pas­sionome­ter’ to appre­ci­ate their desire to fix nation­al issues, I sug­gest that they chan­nel this pas­sion and fight to deliv­er the fol­low­ing five major solu­tions that will endear them to the electorate. 

Leadership, News

The Four Keys To Lift Kenya Out Of Abject Poverty

I would like to con­grat­u­late our Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment for the excel­lent show of pas­sion that they waged as they exchanged angry words, blows and water bot­tles in the Nation­al Assem­bly dur­ing the recent debate on the Polit­i­cal Par­ties (Amend­ment) Bill. The nor­mal prac­tice after such an episode is to con­demn with the strongest terms because the par­lia­ment is an august house, the most hon­or­able space. As such, I wish to clar­i­fy that I am acclaim­ing their show of pas­sion and not the fight or rea­son for their fight. Now that we real­ize that we do not need to use a ‘pas­sionome­ter’ to appre­ci­ate their desire to fix nation­al issues, I sug­gest that they chan­nel this pas­sion and fight to deliv­er the fol­low­ing five major solu­tions that will endear them to the electorate. 

Leadership, News

Save Us From These Road Construction Disasters

I would like to con­grat­u­late our Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment for the excel­lent show of pas­sion that they waged as they exchanged angry words, blows and water bot­tles in the Nation­al Assem­bly dur­ing the recent debate on the Polit­i­cal Par­ties (Amend­ment) Bill. The nor­mal prac­tice after such an episode is to con­demn with the strongest terms because the par­lia­ment is an august house, the most hon­or­able space. As such, I wish to clar­i­fy that I am acclaim­ing their show of pas­sion and not the fight or rea­son for their fight. Now that we real­ize that we do not need to use a ‘pas­sionome­ter’ to appre­ci­ate their desire to fix nation­al issues, I sug­gest that they chan­nel this pas­sion and fight to deliv­er the fol­low­ing five major solu­tions that will endear them to the electorate. 

Leadership, News

Here Are The Five Fights That Will Endear Our MPs To The Voter

I would like to con­grat­u­late our Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment for the excel­lent show of pas­sion that they waged as they exchanged angry words, blows and water bot­tles in the Nation­al Assem­bly dur­ing the recent debate on the Polit­i­cal Par­ties (Amend­ment) Bill. The nor­mal prac­tice after such an episode is to con­demn with the strongest terms because the par­lia­ment is an august house, the most hon­or­able space. As such, I wish to clar­i­fy that I am acclaim­ing their show of pas­sion and not the fight or rea­son for their fight. Now that we real­ize that we do not need to use a ‘pas­sionome­ter’ to appre­ci­ate their desire to fix nation­al issues, I sug­gest that they chan­nel this pas­sion and fight to deliv­er the fol­low­ing five major solu­tions that will endear them to the electorate. 

Leadership, News

Five reasons why we should face 2022 with great optimism

Hap­py New Year friends and indeed what an amaz­ing time to be liv­ing in Kenya! This might seem like a strange state­ment con­sid­er­ing that we have just fin­ished the sec­ond year with masks on our faces. From this per­spec­tive, it might appear that there isn’t much to cel­e­brate about the New Year. How­ev­er, we have so much to be thank­ful to God and be hope­ful for. 

Leadership, News

We‌ ‌Should‌ ‌Finally‌ ‌Make‌ ‌Political‌ ‌Parties‌ ‌Count‌ ‌in‌ ‌2022

Exact­ly twen­ty years ago in Decem­ber 1991, Kenya became a mul­ti-par­ty democ­ra­cy. Before then, we were a one-par­ty State with KANU the rul­ing par­ty call­ing all the polit­i­cal shots. Records from The reg­is­trar of Polit­i­cal Par­ties show that Kenya has 83 reg­is­tered polit­i­cal par­ties which is a sharp con­trast from Tanzania’s 22 par­ties, Uganda’s 26, and Rwanda’s 11, although RPF, the rul­ing par­ty, is the pre­dom­i­nant play­er. How­ev­er, does Kenya’s high­er quan­ti­ty of par­ties trans­late to a bet­ter qual­i­ty of life for her citizens? 

Leadership, News

Here Are The 8 Ps of Building a Values Based Nation

When God cre­at­ed this earth, He put in it enough to com­fort­ably sus­tain every human being. How­ev­er, we must be faith­ful stew­ards and take care of the earth so that it can also take care of us. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, in the last sev­er­al decades, humans have not tak­en good care of the earth.